An UNSCHEDULED HOLIDAY was announced through the speaker, since that moment something changed. Jonas hadn't take his pills for 4 weeks now. Something was not the same, somehow the day lacked of SAMENESS. Jonas will never feel the same about his family or friends. When he goes to play, its different, with memories, he realizes that what the elder told in the ceremony was true. His friends, were playing war, and Jonas couldn't understand how they could do that. The next day, when Jonas went to The Annex Room, he asked for the memory of release, The Giver told him who was the other Receiver that failed. Her name? Rosemary. She asked for a release when the Giver had showed her psychological pain as losing a child. This girl was very important to the giver, she was his child.
"He killed it!"My father killed it! Jonas said to himself, stunned at what he was realizing. He continued to stare at the screen numbly.
In this point of the book we can see how the author uses a language that at first its difficult to understand but after we read the book further away, we get to understand the authors point. In the quote above Jonas starts to realize that without memories people cant difference right from wrong. Jonas' father just KILLED a child, but how they call it RELEASE it makes it seen good.
My point in a quote...
when going further away, into the end Jonas starts feeling empty inside. Yet his friends CANT love him. Because they don't have STRONG FEELINGS