Monday, December 8, 2014

Seek Peek. Chapters 5-8

Though out the week I read chapters 5 to 8, this chapters have one thing in common; Jonas FEELS something. In chapter 5 Jonas tells about some odd dream he had and that that dream made him feel  some "stirrings". Like for everything in the community this feeling can be controlled, Jonas´mom gave him some pills so he wouldn't feel the stirrings anymore. This makes me think about how controlling feelings cant always be good. Yet to have a good life you need to be able to difference pleasure and pain. Passing this chapter, on chapter 6 Jonas and all of the other families are getting ready for the different ceremonies. In this auditorium everyone seated were they were supposed too. Like for example in the earliest ceremony, the nurturers sat in the front with the babies on their laps. Father didn't have Gabriel, he was given one extra year to complete his weight, father had pledged the committee of the elder so they wouldn't release him. Forwarding to chapter 7, The ceremony of the twelve starts. At birth every kid is given a number according to in which order they were born. when Jonas' number is about to be said, the  Chief of the  skipped Jonas. Everyone realized. In chapter 8 Jonas was finally told his job as the Receiver of Memory.
"Jonas prepared himself to walk to the stage when the applause ended and the Chief of the Elder picked up the next folder and looked down to the group to call forward the next twelve. He was calm now that his turn had come. He took a deep breath and smoothed his hair with his hand."(57).
With this, Lois Lowry shows us that this community is absolutely perfect everything goes in order. When the Chief of the Elder skipped Jonas even the one who is reading has a tiny heart attack, like if we were on Jonas'place.
If we, as Ecuador, have this rules, do you think all people follow them? Or do you think mos people would be "released?"And why?
This link will  get you to youtube:

and a meme..

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